Have you ever dealt with that friend or coworker who never thinks about how their words or actions might affect those around them? Inconsiderate people can be frustrating to deal with because they always put their needs first without sparing a thought for others. While nobody is perfect, some people take inconsideration to an art form. Watch out for these warning signs that you may be dealing with an inconsiderate person, and protect your peace of mind. The world has enough stress and struggle without dealing with people who add more through their thoughtless behavior. Spot the signs, establish clear boundaries, and surround yourself with people who treat you well. Life is too short for anything less.
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Traits of an Inconsiderate Person
An inconsiderate person is someone who does not care about the feelings, needs, or preferences of others. They often act selfishly, rudely, or disrespectfully, without thinking about how their actions might affect others. Some traits of an inconsiderate person are:
1. They Lack Self-Awareness

Inconsiderate people typically lack self-awareness. They don’t recognize how their words or actions might affect others. For example, an inconsiderate coworker may make loud personal phone calls during work hours without realizing it distracts you.
An inconsiderate friend may frequently cancel plans at the last minute because something “better” came up, not grasping how frustrating that is. These individuals are oblivious to the inconvenience and frustration they cause. They’re unable to see beyond their own needs and desires.
Lacking empathy, inconsiderate people don’t understand what it’s like to be in another’s shoes. They can’t comprehend why their thoughtless behavior might upset someone else. Their self-centeredness prevents them from considering other perspectives. So they continue their wild ways, unaware of the trouble they stir.
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2. They Are Self-Absorbed
They seem only to notice themselves. An inconsiderate person typically lacks empathy and awareness of how their words or actions might affect others. They Talk About themselves A Lot. In any conversation, an inconsiderate person will steer the discussion to focus on themselves – their lives, experiences, and interests. Ask them how they’re doing, and prepare for a long story. They don’t register that the other person may want to share.
3. Their Needs Come First

What they want and need is the top priority. The needs and feelings of others are secondary or not even considered. If there’s one piece of cake left, you can bet they’ll claim it without asking who else may have wanted it. Their time is more valuable, their agenda more pressing.
They Lack Awareness of Others. An inconsiderate person is oblivious to the subtle signals that another person is upset, uncomfortable, or offended by their words or behavior. They lack emotional intelligence and the ability to see beyond themselves. They may not even notice if someone needs help or is struggling. Their thoughtlessness and lack of empathy define them.
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4. They Interrupt and Talk Over Others
Inconsiderate people often interrupt or talk over others in conversation. They barge into an ongoing discussion without regard for the current speaker or topic. As a result, they dominate the conversation, not allowing others to get a word in edgewise. These chronic interrupters are impatient listeners who need more basic respect for the time and input of others.
Rather than listening to understand, inconsiderate individuals wait for their next chance to speak. They need more interest in an actual exchange of ideas or a balanced discussion. Their tendency to interrupt and talk over people shows their selfishness and lack of empathy. For the considerate and courteous, a conversation should be a collaborative process where all parties have the opportunity to contribute. But for the inconsiderate, it’s all about being heard rather than hearing others.
5. They Disregard Personal Space

Inconsiderate people often invade other’s personal space without a second thought. They see nothing wrong with standing too close during a conversation or casually touching someone without permission. An inconsiderate person may lean over your shoulder to see what you’re doing on your phone or computer with no sense of how uncomfortable and intrusive this can feel.
They are oblivious to typical social cues and conventions regarding personal space and boundaries. It’s not that they mean to make people feel uncomfortable; they don’t think about how their behavior might affect those around them. But for anyone on the receiving end of their tactless intrusions, it can be aggravating and off-putting. Maintaining proper personal space is a matter of basic courtesy, so anyone who disregards this demonstrates a lack of consideration for others.
6. They Are Insensitive to Others’ Feelings
Inconsiderate people tend to lack empathy and sensitivity towards others. They are oblivious to how their words or actions might affect those around them. Inconsiderate individuals freely make critical or hurtful comments without thinking about the impact. They point out perceived flaws and weaknesses in a discourteous manner. These verbal jabs are often disguised as “just joking” or “being honest.” However, their insensitive remarks can be quite damaging.
7. They Make Everything About Themselves

Inconsiderate people typically only care about themselves. They constantly steer conversations to focus on them and their interests. It’s always about their problems, their hobbies, their latest accomplishments. They rarely ask follow-up questions or show interest in learning more about you. Dealing with such self-centered individuals can be draining.
8. They Are Always Late
The inconsiderate person is consistently tardy and never respects other people’s time. They stroll in late to events and meetings without apology, not caring that others made an effort to be punctual. Their lack of consideration for people’s schedules and priorities shows their self-centeredness. If you make plans with an inconsiderate person, don’t expect them to arrive on time. They live by their clock with little regard for how their perpetual lateness impacts those around them.
9. They Break Promises and Commitments

Inconsiderate people often break promises or fail to comply with commitments without apology or explanation. They make plans but need to show up. Rather than giving notice that their plans have changed, inconsiderate people don’t appear for scheduled meetups, events, or appointments. Their time is more valuable than anyone else’s, so they feel justified in wasting other people’s time. Repeatedly standing someone up demonstrates a lack of basic courtesy and respect.
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10. They Rarely Apologize or Admit Fault
They don’t take responsibility for their actions. An inconsiderate person rarely apologizes or admits when they’re at fault. They always have an excuse and blame others instead of owning up to their mistakes. You’ll find that they never say “Tm sorry” or “My bad.” They need to be more accountable and humble.
11. They Don’t Put Themselves in Other’s Shoes

An inconsiderate person lacks empathy for others and how their words or actions might affect them. Inconsiderate individuals need to take the time to consider a situation from another’s perspective. They cannot envision how their behavior might make someone else feel or the problems it could cause them. Putting oneself in another’s place and trying to experience their challenges, feelings, and point of view requires empathy-something the inconsiderate person sorely lacks.
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12. They Are Unreliable
An inconsiderate person tends to be unreliable in their words and actions. They frequently break promises or commitments without reason or notice. You can’t depend on them to follow through or show up when expected. Their unpredictability and irresponsibility waste other people’s time and resources. If someone regularly fails to do what they said they would, it shows a lack of consideration for others counting on them.
13. They Are Oblivious to Their Impact on Others

Inconsiderate people typically lack self-awareness. They don’t realize how their words or actions might affect those around them. They are oblivious to the impact of their behavior and how their indifference or thoughtlessness makes others feel.
14. They Disrespect Others’ Time
Inconsiderate people tend to disregard and disrespect other people’s time. They frequently show up late to events and meetings without apology, cancel plans at the last minute, or keep others waiting for them. Their schedule and priorities are the only ones that matter. For the inconsiderate person, other people’s time is not valuable or worth respecting.
In order to deal with inconsiderate people in your life, you first need to recognize their traits and behaviors. Then, you can determine the best way to handle interactions with them. Calmly address their rude behavior and explain how their words make you feel. Say something like, “Please speak to me with courtesy and respect.” If they continue to be rude, spend less time with them.
So there you have it, some key signs that someone may lack consideration for others. Of course, no one is always perfect. Still, someone frequently exhibits multiple signs from this list. In that cascade cautiously in your interactions and relationships with them. Look for the small details in how people treat others – it can reveal much about their character. And if you recognize some of these tendencies in yourself, make an effort to be more mindful of how your words and actions affect those around you. Developing consideration and empathy for others is a lifelong process, but making the effort to understand different perspectives can go a long way.
- Empathy deficit: People unable to put themselves in the shoes of the others by JENNIFER DELGADO
- Study reveals that many people are oblivious to how they come across to counterparts and colleagues by Columbia Business School research
- 5 Reasons We Let Other People Disrespect Our Time (& What to Do About It) by Kayla Sloan

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