You’ve tried everything to get that special someone obsessed with you. You’ve dropped hints, made yourself more available, and even asked mutual friends what they think. But nothing seems to work. They’re still lukewarm at best. Well, here’s a secret: you don’t have to try so hard. With a few simple manifestation hacks, you can have them eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.
These techniques tap into the power of the mind and energy to attract the obsession you desire. Skeptical? That’s normal. But stay with us, because science has proven these methods create real results. Whether it’s a crush, an ex, or even your soulmate, we’ve got three easy hacks to make them obsessed with you quickly. Read on to learn how to manifest anyone into your admirer, lover, or partner in crime.
Table of Contents
Understanding Manifestation and How It Works

Manifestation is the process of attracting into your life whatever you are focusing on, whether good or bad. Like attracts like, so if you spend your days worrying and complaining, you’ll attract more negativity. If instead you visualize what you want and believe you can have it, you’ll attract those positive experiences.
Focus on your thoughts. The first step is focusing your mind on what you desire. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your goal as if you already have it. Feel the emotions you’ll feel when it’s achieved. This helps attract it into your reality.
Speak in the present tense. Talk about your desires in the present tense, like you already have them. Say “I have” instead of “I will have”. This simple change in language helps shape your mindset to believe you’ve already achieved your goal.
Take action and believe. While manifesting is powerful, action is also required. Take steps each day to move closer to your goals. And maintain an attitude of belief that what you want is already yours. Doubts and limiting beliefs will only slow your progress.
Be patient and detached. Finally, learn to be patient and detached from the outcome. Become too obsessed with your desire and you project a lack of faith that it will manifest. Remain detached and believe the Universe will deliver in the perfect time and way.
Manifestation is a simple process that requires dedication and practice. Focus your thoughts, watch your words, take action, believe, be patient and stay detached. Do this and you’ll be well on your way to attracting everything you desire!
How to Manifest a Specific Person into Your Life

To manifest that special someone into your reality, you need to first get very clear on what you want.
Focus on their essence. Do you want a kind, compassionate and funny partner? Or someone who is adventurous, ambitious and intelligent? Define the qualities you desire, not just their physical attributes. The universe will deliver on what you focus on.
Visualize being with them. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing what it would feel like to be with this person. See yourself laughing together, embracing, and kissing. Feel the joy and fulfillment. This helps align your energy with what you desire.
Believe it will happen. Have faith that you will be together. Speak of your relationship as if it’s already happening. Your belief is key. If doubt creeps in, replace it with positive thoughts. “We will be together.”
Act as if you’re already in a relationship. Do small things each day as if you’re already with this person. Cook their favorite meal. Buy tickets to their favorite band. Your actions reinforce your beliefs and manifestations.
Release attachment to the outcome. While desiring and believing in your manifestation, release attachment to when and how it will happen. Have patience and trust in divine timing. Forcing it can sabotage your efforts. Let go and let the universe deliver in the perfect way.
With clarity, vision, belief and inspired action, you’ll manifest your heart’s desire. While waiting, continue living your best life. Love and appreciate each moment, knowing your person is on the way. Stay open to the signs guiding you together.
Have faith; your dreams are about to come true!
How to Make Someone Obsessed with You Manifest

Obsession can be unhealthy and it’s important to respect everyone’s free will and personal autonomy. Building meaningful connections with others involves mutual respect, consent, and understanding. It’s more beneficial to focus on fostering healthy relationships based on genuine interest, care, and respect for each other’s boundaries and well-being.
1. Setting the Right Intentions for Manifesting Obsession
Manifesting someone’s obsession with you starts with focusing your mind. Set aside time each day to visualize the object of your desire, thinking about it constantly. Picture them daydreaming about you and longing to be with you. The more you practice this visualization, the more powerful it becomes.
Be Specific
Don’t just vaguely imagine them being obsessed. Get specific by envisioning concrete actions, like them texting you first thing in the morning or planning a surprise date night just to see you. Picture the smile on their face when you walk into a room and the sparkle in their eyes when you laugh at one of their jokes. These types of detailed mental images help shape the reality you want to create.
Feel the Feeling
It’s not enough to just see it in your mind; you have to feel the emotions associated with it as well. Feel the excitement and passion of being together. Feel the contentment of knowing you’re the first thing on their mind when they wake up and the last thing when they go to sleep. The emotions you generate during your visualization will be reflected back to you in the real world. So make sure you feel deep feelings of love, joy and fulfillment.
Remove Doubt and Resistance
Any shred of doubt or negative belief you hold about manifesting an obsessed partner will undermine your efforts. Work to release any resistance or skepticism. Remind yourself that you absolutely deserve to be loved and adored. You are worthy and capable of attracting someone who will give you their complete devotion and affection. With practice, your doubts and limiting beliefs will fade, allowing your manifestation to blossom.
Following these steps to set the right intentions and prepare your mind will have your desire obsession- ready in no time. Remember, what you believe with conviction and feel deeply, you will receive. Now go out there and manifest love!
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2. Using Visualization Techniques to Manifest Your Desired Reality
Visualization is one of the most powerful manifestation techniques. When you visualize something,. you’re activating the creative power of your subconscious mind. Your mind can’t tell the difference between something you vividly imagine and something you actually experience.
Create a Vision Board
A vision board is a collage of images that represent your goals and desires. Find pictures that ignite your passion and motivation. Place your vision board somewhere you’ll see it often, like by your bed or desk. Glance at it frequently and feel the emotions you want to experience. Your subconscious mind will go to work, manifesting your vision into reality.
Practice-guided visualization
Find a quiet place free of distractions. Get into a relaxed state of mind through deep breathing. meditation, or yoga. Once you’re feeling calm and centered, begin to visualize your desired outcome in vivid detail. See yourself living your dreams and achieving your goals. Engage all your senses-feel the emotions, hear the sounds, smell the scents. The more lifelike your visualization, the more powerful it becomes.
Visualize Right Before Bed
Your subconscious mind is most receptive to visualization right before you fall asleep. As you drift off to sleep, visualize your desires as if they’re already your present reality. Feel the joy and gratitude you would feel if you had already manifested your goals. Fall asleep holding onto those positive emotions and your subconscious will continue the work as you sleep.
The key to success is practicing visualization consistently and persistently. Don’t just do it once; make it a daily habit. Be patient and trust that your desires are unfolding. Stay focused on your vision and continue watering the seeds you’ve planted with positive emotions and beliefs. In time, your visualizations will become your reality.
Remember, the Universe works in perfect timing, even if it’s not your timing.
3. Affirmations That Will Make Someone Obsessed With You
To manifest an obsession in someone, repeating affirmations is key. Affirmations are simple statements you repeat to yourself to change your beliefs and mindset. When you change your mindset, you’ll start to notice small signs that this person is becoming increasingly interested in you.
I am irresistible.
Repeat this affirmation to build your confidence and self-worth. When you feel irresistible, you’ll exude an attractive energy that draws others to you. This person won’t be able to help but feel magnetically pulled in your direction.
This person is obsessed with me.
Say this affirmation as if it’s already happening. Picture this person expressing their deep affection and desire for you. The more you repeat this, the more you’ll notice small signs that their interest is intensifying. Your beliefs create your reality, so believe it and you’ll see it!
We have an unbreakable connection.
Repeat this affirmation to strengthen your bond and make it difficult for this person to pull away from you. The more you say this, the more you’ll both feel a sense of destiny drawing you together. An unbreakable connection will make them constantly think of you and crave your presence.
This person values me deeply.
When you feel valued by someone, you’ll naturally want to spend more time with them. Repeat this affirmation and look for little signs that this person appreciates you, like compliments, favors, gifts or quality time. The more valued you feel by them, the more obsessed they’ll become.
My confidence and charm are irresistible.
Build your self-confidence through affirmations like this one. When you feel irresistibly confident and charming, you’ll attract people to you like magnets. Repeat this affirmation and notice how it changes your body language, smile, eye contact and charisma. An irresistible charm will make anyone obsessed! Repeating affirmations rewires your mindset and creates new beliefs that manifest in reality. Use these affirmations consistently to draw someone in, strengthen your connection and make them increasingly obsessed with you. Remember, obsessed people value you deeply, feel magnetically drawn to you and simply can’t get enough! Now go make someone obsessed.
4. Scripting Scenarios to Attract Your Person
To manifest your desire for someone to become obsessed with you, visualize specific scenarios that ignite their attraction and devotion. Script out detailed scenes in your mind focusing on emotions, senses, and conversations. Replay them frequently to strengthen their power.
Create a First Meeting Fantasy
Imagine bumping into them casually at a coffee shop or bookstore. Strike up an engaging conversation, make eye contact, smile, and laugh. Feel the chemistry building between you. Hear them say something like, “I feel like I’ve known you forever.” End on a high note and suggest getting together again. Replay how giddy and eager you both feel
Imagine a romantic Date.
Imagine yourself dining at an upscale restaurant, dressed to impress. Chat comfortably over a delicious meal. Reach across the table to hold hands. Gaze into their eyes with a sense of connection and intimacy you’ve never felt before. Hear them confess how you’ve been on their mind constantly since you met. Feel the excitement as they lean in for a first kiss.
Script Out a Future Together
Imagine doing simple things together, like cooking meals at home, going for walks in the park, and planning exciting getaways. Hear them tell you often how much they adore you. Feel secure and cared for in their arms. Imagine a proposal and wedding, building a home, or maybe even starting a family. The more details, the better. Repeat these scenes to manifest the relationship of your dreams.
While scripting may feel silly at first, with practice, it can become a powerful tool for shaping your reality. The law of attraction states that whatever you focus on expands. So keep your mind fixed on the outcome you desire, and the universe will orchestrate events to make your fantasies come true. Stay positive and patient, and before you know it, you’ll be living out these scenarios with the person you’ve always wanted.
5. Clearing Limiting Beliefs Around Manifestation
When manifesting someone’s obsession, it’s important to clear any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Often, we unconsciously doubt our ability to attract what we want because of internalized narratives about undeservedness, fear of rejection, or past failures. But with awareness and intention, you can replace these disempowering thoughts with more positive, expansive ones. Here are some ways to clear limiting beliefs around manifestation:
Acknowledge the belief. Identify the negative thought, say it out loud, and admit it’s there. Just bringing it to the surface loosens its power.
- Challenge the evidence. Question how valid the belief really is. Often, it’s based on a single event or a narrow perspective. Think of times when the opposite has been true.
- Replace it with an affirmative thought. For every negative belief, create a positive counterpart and repeat it frequently. Statements like “I am worthy of love” and “I easily attract what I want into my life” rewire your subconscious.
- Practice self-acceptance. Know that you deserve happiness, no matter what. Forgive any past mistakes and move forward with compassion for yourself. When you accept yourself fully, others will too.
- Engage in daily affirmations. Write down positive thoughts about your lovability, attractiveness, and ability to manifest your desires. Read them aloud every morning and night.
- Visualize the desired outcome. In your mind’s eye, see yourself happily in the relationship you want. The more you see it, the more you activate it.
With persistence and self-love, you can dissolve any limiting beliefs that stand in the way of your manifestation goals. Keep focusing on the joyful, obsessive relationship you desire, and trust that the right circumstances will arise for it to come into being.
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6. Using Gratitude to Align With Your Goal
Feeling grateful for what you already have is a powerful way to raise your vibrational frequency and align yourself with your manifestation goals. When you practice gratitude, you activate an optimistic, abundant mindset that attracts more good into your life. Here are some ways gratitude can help you manifest the object of your obsession:
- Gratitude opens you up to receiving. When you appreciate what you have, you create space for what you want. Feeling thankful for small blessings signals to the universe that you are ready for more.
- It focuses your energy. Instead of worrying about not having your desire yet, expressing gratitude for life as it is now keeps your mind on a positive path. This directs the creative forces of the universe toward your goals.
- You feel deserving. Gratitude reminds you of all the good you already possess, building your sense of self-worth and making you feel deserving of more happiness. This makes it easier to manifest your heart’s desire.
- You become an energetic match. The higher vibration of gratitude makes you a closer vibrational match to what you want to attract. Like energies attract like, so the more grateful you feel, the more likely it is to manifest.
So start practicing daily gratitude now, even for things that seem small. Be thankful for health, loved ones, talents, opportunities and more. The more grateful you become, the faster your person of obsession will realize how lucky they are to have you in their life.
7. Letting Go and Having Faith in the Process
Let go of the need to control how your manifestation comes to be. Have faith that the universe will bring you and your desired partner together in perfect divine timing. When you release attachment to how and when it happens, you allow the manifestation process to unfold effortlessly. Here are some tips for letting go and having faith:
- Trust in the process. Remind yourself that the universe always works in your highest good, even if you cannot see the full picture yet. Have confidence that your desire is already on its way to you.
- Release the how and when. Stop trying to figure out how your manifestation will happen. Let go of any preconceived notions of how it “should” come about. Surrender to the divine plan.
- Focus on feeling fulfilled now. Fill your present with joy so you no longer feel a desperate need for your manifestation to complete you. Live in the feeling of already having your desire fulfilled.
- Meditate and practice mindfulness. Daily meditation can help release mental resistance and attachments that block the manifestation process. Staying present and mindful keeps you tuned into the right vibrational frequency.
- Be open to surprises. Expect your manifestation to come from unexpected sources and directions. The more open you are, the easier it is for the universe to deliver your desire in perfect form.
Letting go and having faith may feel counterintuitive at first. But in reality, it is the fastest way for your manifestation goals to be realized. The more you surrender to the divine timing of the universe, the sooner your person of obsession will realize you were meant to be.
It’s important to approach relationships with respect and consent, focusing on healthy connections rather than obsession. Building a strong relationship involves mutual understanding, communication, and shared values. It’s more beneficial to cultivate self-love and confidence, which naturally attracts positive relationships. If you’re interested in personal development or relationship advice, there are resources and experts who can offer guidance on building meaningful connections based on mutual respect and affection. Some of them are:
- “Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!” by Tony Robbins is a classic choice that delves into the psychological aspects of self-improvement across various areas of life.
- Another highly recommended read is “The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*Ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life ” by Mark Manson, which offers a counterintuitive approach to living a better life by prioritizing what truly matters.
- For timeless wisdom, “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius provides profound insights into Stoic philosophy and the art of living a contented life. These books are just a starting point, but they offer valuable perspectives and practical advice for anyone looking to enhance their life and well-being.
- The Multiple Uses of Guided Imagery. PMID: 33131625, DOI: 10.1016/j.cnur.2020.06.013/ by Stephen D Krau from the National Library of Medicine, an official website of the United States government
- 9 Effective Ways To Manifest Someone, According To Experts By Kara Ladd, January 31, 2023

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