Ego and self-esteem are two different facts we use in different ways, but they both mean the same thing: a healthy sense of one’s value.
What is an ego? How do you know if you have it? And how do you develop your own form of ego or self-esteem? And what is the difference between ego and self-esteem? In this article, we’ll explore these questions and more.
What is ego and self-esteem
If simplify answer your question.
Ego is about how you see yourself and your sense of self-importance, while self-esteem is about how you feel about yourself and what value you place on yourself.
What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem refers to the way we feel about ourselves. It’s our opinion of our value as individuals, which can be measured by how much confidence and respect we have for ourselves. When someone has high self-esteem, they tend to think positively about themselves, accept their strengths and weaknesses without judgment or criticism from others (and sometimes even from themselves).
Take responsibility for their actions rather than blaming others or circumstances outside their control (e.g., “I’m not good at math, but I’ll learn this time around”), have empathy towards others’ feelings even when those feelings differ from ours (e.g., “This problem sounds challenging but let me help anyway”), see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than excuses for failure (“It looks like there won’t be enough time left in the day after all” vs “I’m sorry, but this project won’t get done today”).
What is an ego?

The ego is a sense of self. It’s the feeling that you have an identity, a fixed and unique place in the world, and that this place matters to others. It’s also what makes us feel unique and respected by others which is why we need to protect it from harm.
The opposite of an ego is not actually “self-esteem.” Instead, it’s simply the absence of one or more aspects of one’s identity (such as race). Self-esteem refers specifically, only when speaking about how someone feels about themselves, their value as individuals or their worthiness for love and affection etc.
Difference Between Ego and Self-esteem
The concept of ego and self-esteem has been around for centuries. But what is the difference between them? How are they related, and which one should you focus on? Well, let’s dive into this topic and find out.
Self-Esteem | Ego |
Self-esteem is a sense of self-worth. | Ego is the core of one’s personality. |
Self-esteem is about finding value in yourself. | The ego is all about the “I. |
It is how much you think you can or cannot do. | It is how much you think you deserve. |
It is the belief you have in yourself. | It is your opinion of yourself. |
More flexible than ego (because it can change with your moods, experiences and relationships) | Stable and inflexible (because it tends to be like an unyielding rock or fixed star in your sky.) |
Self-esteem comes from within. | Ego comes from without. |
The ego is all about the “I”.
The ego is all about the “I.” It is about what you can get and how much better than everyone else you are. It’s about your power and influence over others, even if it means manipulating them for your benefit.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that someone has low self-esteem (although they may). It’s more likely that people with high levels of ego will tend to be more confident in their abilities than those with low levels of self-esteem because they know themselves better, which means that they know what works best for them as individuals rather than as part of a group or collective where everyone needs to conform or compete against each other based on an arbitrary set of standards determined by society at large (or even just one person).
Ego tells people that they are good enough for anything, but confidence comes from knowing that you’re perfect just the way you are.
Ego is what makes us think other people should like us because we’re popular or rich, while self-esteem allows us to stay true to ourselves even if others don’t agree with our choices
Ego is the idea that you are special, unique, and worthy of praise. It’s the belief that you’re better than other people.
Self-esteem is all about finding value in oneself.
- Self-esteem is about finding value in yourself.
- You can feel good about yourself, even when you’re not perfect or the best at something.
- It’s okay to accept your strengths and weaknesses, especially if they are different from others’ strengths and weaknesses.
Read More: 11 Importance of Knowing Yourself: First Step of Success
It comes from a positive self-image and self-respect.
It is a measure of how you feel about yourself. It’s also influenced by your experiences, as well as what’s going on in your life right now.
Self-esteem can change over time as well it might increase or decrease depending on what kind of person you are and how successful or unsuccessful you are at doing things like getting better grades at school, making friends and relationships with people at school or work, etc.
Another factor that affects self-esteem is external factors such as popularity with other people (which could include being popular with peers or teachers), whether someone likes me based on my looks rather than who I am inside…etc…
Self-esteem allows people to feel wort
Self-esteem is the ability to feel worthy of love and respect from others. It’s a sense of self, which can be positive or negative depending on how you feel about yourself.

Do people with big egos have low self-esteem?
People with big egos are often loud and boastful, but it’s not always clear that they have low self-esteem. In fact, many of us have had the experience of being around someone with a big ego. Usually, they’re loud in groups; they have to be the center of attention, and they demand that others see them as great, special, or important. However, behind their exaggerated self-importance may be an inferiority complex, because the two are inextricably linked.
The ego is a part of our personality it’s often part of what makes us unique and interesting to others. However, it can also be very damaging if you don’t take care of your own self-esteem by learning how not to rely on other people’s opinions about you or letting other people make decisions for you without asking questions first (like: “Do I want this job?”)
Ego comes in many forms: small egos like mine may feel nervous when we speak up at work meetings; larger egos might try too hard when speaking with friends/family members; even more extreme examples include narcissism (where there is no sense of self-worth), which causes individuals who have been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) to behave inappropriately towards others while thinking only about themselves.
A person who has a high ego will often compensate for their feelings of inadequacy by trying to show off and prove how good they are at everything. They’ll try to win over others by being more successful than them or having higher status within society.
However, this can sometimes backfire when people don’t necessarily want anything from them but still feel like they need something from them, so instead of trying harder or improving themselves more generally (which would help everyone), this person might turn their attention elsewhere: towards other people who are perceived as having bigger egos than themselves. The resulting competition between these two groups can lead both sides down a path towards further insecurity and low self-esteem.
According to psychologists, the superior attitude of people with big egos often comes from a place of deep insecurity and low self-esteem. The more you feel bad about yourself (such as from childhood trauma), the more you need to compensate for it by putting on a facade of superiority in order to defend your sense of self.
You might have seen this behavior in people who are insecure about their own bodies, or who have been abused or marginalized. They may be overly confident because they don’t want to feel vulnerable or weak and that’s why your friend with a big ego probably seems so arrogant to you.
Your friend’s attitude towards others might not be an act at all; rather, it could reflect how he or she truly feels about themselves.
It’s easy to recognize grandiose behavior when you see it, but that behavior can come on subtly too. If you’re not sure whether someone in your life has a big ego, here are some signs:
These are some of the most common signs of a big ego:
They think they’re always right – even when they’re not –
They constantly have to win and when they don’t, it’s someone else’s fault.
They tell you how wonderful they are in every situation even when their actions don’t match up with reality at all.
They brag a lot to take credit for other people’s work, talk over other people in meetings, exaggerate their accomplishments, and sometimes blame someone else instead of taking responsibility for their own actions or inaction.
For example, if someone offers an opinion on something and says, “I think we should do this,” but then the person who made that suggestion insists that it was their idea all along (even though everyone knows otherwise), then this might be an indicator that someone has a bigger ego than others might realize at first glance.
Do people with a high self-esteem have a strong ego?
Are people with high self-esteem also high on the ego? It’s a complicated question because our sense of self is influenced by many outside things. But one thing is certain: when your self-esteem is low, you don’t feel good about yourself, and the things you do reflect that.
Ego is a complicated thing because it comes from many areas and can be affected by many outside things. So, it’s hard to say for sure whether people with high self-esteem also have a high ego.
If you’re trying to figure out if your friend has an ego problem or not, the best way to do that is by looking at their actions and words. If they seem overly arrogant when interacting with other people (or even just talking about themselves), then chances are good that there might be some issues going on underneath the surface as well!
“Self-esteem goes to the heart of who you are,” writes Nicholas Hemming in Psychology Today.
Self-esteem is a measure of how you feel about yourself. When your self-esteem is low, you don’t feel good about yourself, and the things you do reflect that. This can lead to depression, anxiety and other mental health issues and even worse: it can cause people to act in ways that make them seem like narcissists or egotistical assholes (which I promise we all know someone who is).
But there is something more important than how much we think we matter: what happens when people with high self-esteem are around others? According to Nicholas Hemming in Psychology Today: “Self-esteem goes to the heart of who you are,” writes Hemming. When your self-esteem is low, he says “you become defensive against criticism or disapproval; when it’s high…you open up more easily.”
According to psychologist Eric Fromm, author of a book called “The Art of Loving”, there are two types of ego: the healthy ego and the false ego. The latter is where masochism, aggression and narcissism come into play.
In order to understand how this works, let’s take a look at an archetype that has been popularized by pop culture: the jock. In many ways, he is similar to our narcissistic personality type (see below). He may have been an athlete in high school or college; now he’s trying to fit into society as an adult but feels like something isn’t quite right with him because he hasn’t fulfilled his potential yet.
It’s this kind of thinking that leads us down paths towards self-destruction or unhealthy relationships later on down life’s path because these people don’t know how else they could feel if not allowing themselves room for growth through various forms throughout life – including love experiences.”
The difference between the two egos is in how we see and value ourselves. In the healthy ego, our love for ourselves isn’t based on other people’s behavior or some external idea of perfection.
We’re free to make mistakes – which everyone does all the time – and learn from those mistakes without feeling bad about ourselves or needing to compensate in some way (by being aggressive toward others or harming ourselves).
A Piece of more about self-esteem: How is Positive Self-esteem Essential to a Successful Career Plan
The relationship between ego and self-esteem is a complex one. The two are not always mutually exclusive, but they do have a reciprocal relationship.
The level of personal pride that we have in ourselves is referred to as our “ego.” It is the part of us that tells us that we are special and good enough to be who we are. It is a positive force that motivates us to strive for excellence and sets boundaries for how much we can tolerate from others in order to be happy, successful, and fulfilled.
Self-esteem is our overall opinion of ourselves as a person; it is based on how much worth we place on ourselves in terms of things like intelligence, kindness, morality and even physical characteristics such as size or shape.
This does not mean that one’s self-esteem has no bearing on ego; instead, it affects how people feel about themselves as well as how they treat themselves (in terms of appearance, actions, and words).

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