You know those people who just seem to have it all together? The ones who walk into a room like they own the place and aren’t afraid to speak up and be heard? What’s their secret? The truth is, confidence is something you can build. It’s not something you’re just born with. Confident people develop habits and practices that help them feel sure of themselves. The good news is, you can learn these habits too.

In this article, we’ll go over 10 simple things confident people do every day. Implementing just a few of these into your daily routine can help you feel more self-assured in no time. Read on to find out what behaviors you can adopt to become the most confident version of yourself.

Behaviors of a Confident Person

Confident individuals engage in various behaviors that reinforce their self-assurance and ability to navigate life’s challenges. They tend to set clear goals and work persistently towards achieving them, maintaining a positive outlook and resilience in the face of setbacks. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, they also exhibit a strong sense of self-efficacy, believing in their capabilities and making decisions aligned with their values and objectives.

Moreover, they practice self-compassion, treating themselves with kindness and understanding, which fosters a healthy self-image and psychological well-being. Celebrating personal successes, no matter how small, is another common trait, as it reinforces their belief in their abilities and contributes to a cycle of positive reinforcement.

1. They Make Eye Contact

They Make Eye Contact
They Make Eye Contact

When confident people talk to you, they look you in the eye. Maintaining eye contact shows you’re engaged and paying attention. It also allows you to connect more deeply with the other person. While talking, glance away periodically, then re-establish eye contact. This balance is the perfect amount for appearing confident yet not too intense.

Confident people stand up straight with their shoulders back. Sitting up straight with your head level also projects confidence. Slouching or hunching over, on the other hand, can make you seem unassured or apprehensive. If you’re seated, place your feet flat on the floor, keep your back straight, and avoid crossing your arms. This open, upright posture will make you feel more confident and will also earn the respect of others.

They Accept Compliments Graciously. Confident people know they deserve praise for their accomplishments and talents. When receiving a compliment, smile and say, “Thank you.” There’s no need to deny or make excuses. Accept compliments with a simple “I appreciate you saying that.” Confident people also give sincere compliments to others when deserved. Spreading kindness and recognizing others boosts self-esteem and connections.

2. They Continue Great Posture

Confident people know that good posture projects a self-assured image. They stand up straight with their shoulders back, their chest open, and their head held high. This upright stance makes them appear more poised and pulled together.

Maintain an Open and Relaxed Stance. When standing or walking, confident people keep their shoulders back and avoid hunching over. Their arms remain uncrossed and relaxed at their sides. This open stance appears friendly, approachable and self-assured.

Make Eye Contact and Smile Genuinely. Confident people make eye contact, smile, and engage others. They look people in the eye when speaking to them or passing them on the street. Their smiles are warm and genuine, lighting up their whole face. This friendly demeanor puts others at ease and attracts positive connections.

Move With Purpose. The way confident people carry themselves, walk and gesture oozes a natural self-assurance. Their movements seem unhurried yet purposeful. They take long strides, swing their arms freely and stand or sit without fidgeting. This poised body language signals to others that they feel at ease and in control.

With practice and conscious awareness, you too can develop the posture, stance, facial expression and physical presence of a confident individual. Stand up straight, keep an open stance, make genuine contact, move with purpose and smile—these behaviors will help you feel and appear more confident each and every day.

3. They Take Calculated Risks

They Take Calculated Risks
They Take Calculated Risks

Confident people know that risks lead to rewards. However, they don’t jump into risky situations haphazardly. Instead, they evaluate the risks and benefits of a situation before proceeding. They consider the possible outcomes, both good and bad, before taking action.

If the potential reward outweighs the risks, they go for it. But they do so cautiously, with a backup plan in place in case things don’t go as expected. They start small, testing the waters to see how it goes before fully committing. If things seem too risky, they have no problem pulling the plug and changing direction.

Their willingness to take risks, balanced with careful analysis and planning, allows confident people to step out of their comfort zone. They open themselves up to new opportunities that could lead to great success and growth. While risks don’t always pan out, confident people view them as learning experiences. Failure is never final; it’s just feedback to help them make a better choice next time.

This thoughtful approach to risk-taking has served confident people well. They achieve more by venturing outside the safe and familiar, gaining valuable life experiences in the process. Their successes and failures have taught them that they can handle whatever comes their way. And that ability to take smart risks has been key to their progress and achievements. In the end, great things never come from comfort zones. You have to take risks.

4. They Aren’t Afraid to Fail

Confident people know that failure is inevitable in life. Nobody succeeds at everything they do, all the time. Instead of fearing failure, confident people accept it as a natural consequence of taking risks and striving to achieve their goals.

When confident people fail at something, they don’t see it as a reflection of their self-worth. They view failure as a learning opportunity. They look for the lessons in their failures and mistakes instead of punishing themselves for them. They ask themselves questions like:

  • What can I learn from this?
  • How can I improve next time?
  • What worked and what didn’t?

Rather than labeling themselves as “failures”, confident people recognize their imperfections and continue progressing forward, learning and growing along the way. Their self-worth isn’t defined by any single success or failure. They believe in their ability to pick themselves up, try again, and ultimately achieve their goals.

Failure only becomes permanent when you give up. Confident people don’t give up easily. They have a growth mindset and believe their abilities can be developed through hard work and persistence. If, at first, you don’t succeed, confident people will try and try again.

5. They Speak Up and Share Their Opinions

They Speak Up and Share Their Opinions
They Speak Up and Share Their Opinions

Confident people know their voices matter. They speak up in meetings and share their viewpoints, even if they differ from others. When a discussion is happening, they contribute and provide their perspective.

They know others can benefit from their opinions and insights. Confident people recognize their ideas have value, so they share them. They don’t hold back out of fear of rejection or desire to please. Speaking up and sharing your opinions in a constructive way is empowering. It helps build self-confidence over time as you practice using your voice.

Of course, confident people also listen to others and are open to different viewpoints. They aim to have a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas, not just talk to hear themselves speak. When sharing your opinions, do so respectfully by focusing on the issues, not the people. Explain your reasoning and provide concrete examples to support your points.

Don’t be afraid to respectfully challenge the status quo if you have a different view. Confident people recognize that dissent and debate lead to better outcomes. Just be sure to do so in a collaborative spirit. The goal is progress, not proving you’re right.

With practice, sharing your opinions and speaking up in discussions can become second nature. Start small by contributing in lower-risk situations, like casual conversations with colleagues or friends. As your comfort increases, work your way up to more formal settings. Your voice and opinions matter- use them. Confidence will follow.

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6. They Aren’t Afraid to Promote Themselves

Confident people know their worth and aren’t shy about letting others know it too. They don’t sit back and wait to be noticed. Instead, they speak up about their accomplishments and the value they provide.

Promoting yourself in a confident yet authentic way is a skill that takes practice. Start by building a list of your key achievements and the impact you’ve made. Be specific and quantify your wins when possible. With this list in hand, look for opportunities to share this information with your colleagues, managers and networking contacts. Mention a recent win in a team meeting or client call. Bring copies of your updated resume or portfolio to share in an informational interview. Drop a quick note to your manager highlighting a recent success.

While self-promotion may feel unnatural at first, it gets easier with regular practice. The key is to focus on facts and frame your achievements around the value you provide to your organization or clients. People will appreciate your contributions, and over time, self-promotion will become second nature. The confidence you gain from proudly sharing your wins will fuel further success in your career.

7. They Don’t Compare Themselves to Others

They Don't Compare Themselves to Others
They Don’t Compare Themselves to Others

Confident people don’t spend time worrying about how they measure up to others. They accept themselves as they are and focus on their own journey.

Comparing yourself to people around you is a recipe for feeling inadequate and insecure. There will always be someone smarter, more successful, or better-looking than you. But no one else has your unique blend of skills, experiences, and personality.

Instead of comparing yourself to the curated glimpses into the lives of others on social media, compare yourself only to your past self. See how far you’ve come and feel proud of the progress you’ve made. Focus on living according to your own values and priorities.

Confident people know that the only person they need to be better than is the person they were yesterday. So stop comparing yourself to others and start appreciating yourself for who you are. You’ll be much happier when you do.

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8. They Aren’t Afraid to Be Vulnerable

Confident people understand that showing vulnerability is not a sign of weakness. They recognize that being open about their fears, insecurities and imperfections makes them more relatable and trustworthy. Confident folks embrace vulnerability and share parts of themselves that aren’t always “pretty.”

Rather than trying to appear perfect, self-assured individuals talk about their struggles and shortcomings. They admit when they feel anxious, insecure or out of their depth. Confident people know that vulnerability fosters deeper relationships and connections. Revealing your authentic self, flaws and all, allows others to support and accept you.

While it can feel uncomfortable, confident people take the risk of being vulnerable because they know it is the only way to build meaningful relationships. They share their truth with compassion for themselves and others. Confident individuals understand that behind every facade of perfection are human beings with moments of doubt, worry and imperfection. By openly sharing their own vulnerabilities, self-assured people give others permission to do the same.

In short, confident people embrace vulnerability and imperfection. They know that being real and openly sharing their struggles along with their strengths is the surest path to healthy, mutually supportive relationships. Confidence comes from accepting yourself as you are, imperfections included, and allowing others to see the real you.

9. They Accept Compliments Graciously

They Accept Compliments Graciously
They Accept Compliments Graciously

Confident people know how to accept a compliment with grace and humility. When someone pays you a compliment, don’t brush it off or make excuses. Smile, make eye contact, and say “thank you.” A simple acknowledgment goes a long way.

Don’t qualify the compliment by saying something self-deprecating like “thanks, I just got lucky” or “this old thing?” Confident people know their strengths and talents, so they accept sincere compliments with a smile and gratitude.

At the same time, stay grounded. Confident people don’t let compliments inflate their ego or go to their head. They appreciate kind words from others, but they base their own self-worth on their values and accomplishments, not what others say about them.

Overall, accept compliments with a simple “thank you” and a smile. Doing so exhibits poise, humility, and self-assurance-all hallmarks of a confident person. Stay humble, but also recognize your own talents and strengths. That balance of modesty and self-worth will serve you well.

10. They Surround Themselves With Positive People

Confident people know that the company they keep can significantly impact their mindset and outlook. They make an effort to surround themselves with other positive and optimistic individuals. Their social circles are filled with people who build them up and support them, not tear them down or constantly criticize them.

Spending time with negative people who sap your energy and confidence will only make you doubt yourself more. Confident people associate with like-minded individuals who share their growth mindset and desire for self-improvement. They join networking groups, take part in mentoring programs, and forge friendships with people who inspire and motivate them.

Some ways to build your circle of positive people:

  •  Join an online community focused on personal development, entrepreneurship or your industry.
  •  Get involved in local networking groups to meet other motivated individuals.
  • Reach out for informational interviews with people you admire to build new connections. Surround yourself with people who share your goals and values. Their positivity and success can help motivate you on your own journey.

The people you spend the most time with inevitably shape who you become. Confident people recognize this and are intentional about cultivating uplifting relationships that help them achieve more. They know that surrounding themselves with positive people is key to building self-belief and reaching their full potential.

Why Does Confidence Matter in This Competitive World

Being confident matters now more than ever in today’s competitive world. Here are some reasons why:

  1.  It attracts opportunities. Confident people naturally attract more opportunities because they put themselves out there, take initiative, and speak up. They apply for jobs and promotions they want, start conversations with potential clients, and pitch their ideas with conviction. Their self-assurance makes others want to work with them and give them a chance.
  2.  It helps you succeed. Having confidence in your abilities and ideas helps ensure you follow through and succeed. Doubting yourself leads to hesitation and inaction, while being confident propels you forward and helps you overcome challenges along the way. Confidence fuels persistence and resilience.
  3.  It builds credibility. When you speak and act with confidence, others see you as credible, capable and worthy of trust. They believe in your abilities and expertise. A lack of confidence can undermine your credibility and cause others to doubt you. Confidence builds trust and strengthens your professional reputation.
  4.  It gives you an edge. In any competitive environment, having an extra dose of self-assurance and belief in your talents can give you an edge over others. You take risks, seek out stretch assignments and put your best work forward. Confidence empowers you to maximize your potential and outperform even in challenging situations.

In summary, confidence matters now more than ever because it attracts opportunities, fuels your success, builds credibility for you and gives you a competitive advantage. Developing confidence in your skills, expertise and abilities can unlock new doors for growth and achievement in today’s world

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